Hey all you little pig pokers out there, I'm back.
Yeah time for another one of those life lessons from ol' Pig. Are you ready cause here we go. Ray come home from work today, just like every other day. He walked in the door, the dumbass dogs went wild, jumping all over like they hadn't seen him in 6 months, the cat just stood by the wall like always, watching every move. But this day didn't stay the same for long. Nope, before Ray could set down his keys his cell phone rang. It was his daughter, Ericka.
She was calling him to tell him she had a flat tire on her car, She hit something that made the tire go flat. At first she claimed that she didn't know what it was, but I was guessing there was more to the story than she was letting on. Being 17, most teenagers have a tendency to be that way. You know what I mean, never being forth coming with all of the needed information.
Ray wasn't mad at her for having a flat, as a matter of fact he was quite calm, he just asked her where she was so he could go help her. When he finally understood where she was, he got off the phone, looked over towards me and said for me to grab the tool box and put it in the truck. We got headed down the road towards the other side of town. Ray took all the short cuts he knew and got us there pretty quick. For a man who has worked all day, not eaten dinner yet and having to drive all the way across town, Ray was handling it all real well. I guess daddy's are that way when it comes to their daughters, you know all that mushy crap.
Well there we were pulling up on the street where she was broke down when the first warning sign came forth. There was a young man getting out of the car that Ray did not know. Ray didn't say anything, I was a little taken back by that. Ray got out of the truck and walked over to see the tire. It was the right front tire that had a big gash in the sidewall and was all tore up. I looked around and noticed that no one had bothered to get the spare out yet and with that Ray headed to the trunk to grab the spare and jack.
Warning sign # 2 had just showed up when I heard Ray asked Ericka where the jack for the car was. A low toned “I don't know, it should be in there”, came sheepishly from Ericka. The boy (whom I never caught his name) didn't say a word. He just kind of stood there watching. I have a distinct feeling that ol' Opie didn't know how to change a tire. (How in the hell could he not know how to change a tire.) Ray made a slight movement in his body, maybe it was holding something back or maybe he just shrugged his shoulders. Anyway, he just went over to his truck and got out his jack instead.
There was a feeling in the air. Something I sensed was about to happen. When you have been around Ray long enough you learn to read the signs. The fireworks were about to happen. It wasn't until Ray crawled under the car to set the jack that it happened. The fuse was lit and it was burning fast. KABOOM
Now a little something you need to know about Ray. When his fuse gets lit, his face will get red, that cute little vein starts protruding from his forehead, sometimes you can see steam escaping from his ears and then sh%$ flies everywhere. And when he blows, no one is safe. So what happened next is just all to predicable. And as for myself being a fly on the wall, it is always fun to watch. (One of these days I'll video it for utube)
“Go# D@%% it, the F@#$&^% jack is too tall. It won't F@#$^&% FIT!” was the only intelligible audio I could understand. The remaining part of what he said that I could understand is not allowed to be printed or published in blog pages.
What should have been a simple tire change now became a nightmare for all involved in dealing with him. Ol' Opie didn't stick around for long, I think he may have wet himself and hauled ass before Big Daddy Ray got a hold of him. When I looked around, all I saw was a cloud of dust settling from his trail.
Ray somehow managed to inform Ericka that they now had to go to the shop and pick up a floor jack to get the tire changed. Ericka just jumped in the truck and was ready to go. What she forgot to do was get her purse and belongings out of and lock her car. As for me I quickly loaded up the spare and tools into the truck and jumped in the back. The trip to the shop allowed the fun to continue. Ray was already fuming about the extra trip. The conversation in the truck began with questions of where was the jack with continued answers of “I don't know”. Ericka went about to texting her friends to let them know what she was going through. If you have ever been around a texting teenager, you will know that the constant clicking of the keys can been a little annoying after a short while. For Ray, I could see his eyes twitching with every keystroke Ericka made.
Ray finally gave up and told her to call the tire shop to see if they had a tire in stock. It was then that Ray found out that just 4 months prior when he had Stacey purchase the new tires for the car, Stacey had decided to omit the tire replacement certificates from the purchase price and that we would now have to buy a new prorated tire. But that's not all, the store was closing in 15 minutes. Oh well, looks like Ericka is going to have to deal with that in the morning.
Grumbling all the way to the shop, we get a floor jack, check the air in the spare and head back to change the tire. We get there and everybody jumps out, grabs tools, jack and the spare. (This next part is great) As Ray tries to set the floor jack, he quickly discovers that the car is sitting too low for the floor jack to fit. Wait for it, wait for it. Denied, he didn't lose it again. Damn, where the fun in that. Instead Ray put the jack under the body and slowly lifted the car just enough to get the bad tire off and the spare on. Bolts in place, he lowers it down and then tightened the nuts. Load up and off we go.
Ray told Ericka to follow behind him and keep it slow,(just in case the spare goes bad) We start heading home and of course, did she listen? Oh hell no. Zoom, she passed us like a phantom jet and never looked back. There are a few lessons that we all should learn from this experience and that is why I wrote this blog today. That is what I do, I help stupid people to try and not be so stupid
Lesson # 1 Know how to change a tire (Ol' Opie didn't)
Lesson # 2 Always check your vehicles spare tire and changing equipment. Make sure everything is there and in proper working order
(by the way, Ray did check everything 4 months ago when the new tires were put on)
Lesson # 3 While we don't normally purchase extended warranties on items. We do recommend the extended warranties on tires that include replacement of tire due to road damage
Lesson # 4 This one is really important, especially when dealing with someone like Ray. Always provide quick and accurate information when dealing with emergency situations.
Lesson # 5 Don't drive like a bat outta hell when driving on a spare tire and especially in front of the dad. (Ericka got a real ass chewing when dad got home)
Well guys, I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and I hope that it was helpful. Now go outside and check your car. Before I go, Ray did want me to ask if anyone out there uses twitter. He was thinking about setting up an account. Let Ray know what you think about using twitter. E-mail him at ray@raysbikecleananddetail.com
See you out at Texas Pride on Thursday Night
Ride Hard or Stay Home