Morning everyone,
Time once again for another chat with the Pig. Today's subject is what I feel is a very important one. It has to deal with pizza and kids. I'm going to be brief and to the point. Last night we took the kids (Raymond & Reilly) to a place called Incredible Pizza. I am going to assume that they are a national chain that serves pizza and has games to play, and that you most likely have one in your area. Having never been there before, I was amazed that they let my fat, pink butt in the front door. (That only goes to show what kind of place they could be.)
We bought what was the “wacky Wednesday” package for the kids that included the buffet and game cards. For the five of us to go there, the total bill was $73.00. Now that may not seem very high to most of you, in fact it averaged out to $14.60 per person. I could see Ray shifting in his britches as he paid the bill and knew right away this was going to be an interesting evening to watch.
We loaded up a few plates of pizza, some glasses of soda and found the dining room to sit down. Once there we began eating and I started looking around. Nice décor, styled in Route 66 wallpaper with 50's styled red booths. It was then that I noticed what I was eating. It was suppose to be a slice of pepperoni pizza. Now I know it was from a buffet and that it is not easy to make great pizza in a place like that. But DAMM that was some nasty, fricking, sorry ass excuse for pizza. I tried another slice of something else. It was just as bad. It was so bad that even the kids didn't devore all of theirs.
Moving on into the game room. Oh my gosh, it was so sorry of a game room. Everything was electronic. You payed for your games with a card. (no coins) and a computer kept track of your points (tickets) for prizes (what ? no tickets). What happened to all the fun. They have it set up now to where all you do is blow and go. There's no enjoying the game. We are like cattle now, get them in, get them fed and get them out.
They only had ONE pinball machine and the damm thing was out of order. One air hockey table and no Foosball tables. It sucked!!! The noise level was unbearable, all the bells,buttons and whistles going off you could hear yourself think. I know that I am complaining here but hear me out. Where was the imagination, where was the effort in what you played. They had all the same games you can buy for your Sega or X-box at home.
I weep for today's youth. Nothing new, nothing original, they will never know what it was liked and how we cherished the chance to have what we had as kids. You earned what you won. You relished in what you played trying to beat they guy next to you score. Sorry incredible Pizza, but your place sucked eggs and you have showed us another example of corporate America turning us into cattle shoving their ideas down our throats.
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