Monday, December 17, 2012

Another Christmas Story

Another Christmas Story

Part One

Pig Writes.

Long, long ago there was a young man who had desires to be a woodworker.

He was creative. He learned many things from his father.

He learned how to use tools safely and how to care for them.

He learned his craft true and straight like the cuts he made into the wood he used. Better yet, like a true craftsman, he learned how to hide his mistakes.

The young man made all sorts of things, from wooden toys to shelves and even furniture. For he was good at his craft.

People from all around wanted him to build things for them.

But then one day, he put his tools down and stored them away. People had changed. They didn't want to pay him what he was owed for his services. They all seemed to take advantage of him for his craft.

The love of his craft was gone. The young man no longer enjoyed what he did.

That was many years ago.

Recently there was a birth of a nephew in the family and Christmas would soon arrive.

The man was asked by his wife to build a toy box for the new nephew as a Christmas present.

At first the man said “No!”. But his wife knew how to push his buttons to convince him to say “Yes”. The poor guy never stood a chance. Broken down and ashamed I heard him mutter “OK, I'll do it”.

He would agree to build a toy box for the new nephew, but not for the sister-in-law who could not bear to stand in the same room as him.

What was going through his mind at that moment, I would not know.

I wasn't sure as to why he would agree to build something his heart was not into.

I would learn why soon enough.
Ride HARD or Stay Home


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