Sunday, February 14, 2010



The preceding blog was written by a drunken pink pig. Please do not follow any advice he may have written, said, expressed or implied. Always read and follow your doctors advice and instruction as well as the instruction stated on any and all medicines.

Just to let you know I was asleep in the recliner chair trying to recover from a severe sinus infection when Pig attempted to pour, no make that SHOTGUN a beer down my throat. I awoke coughing, gagging and spewing beer all over the living room. After I regained my composure I realized that pig had consumed a whole 18 pack of my beer. This was determined by the number of empty beer cans laying around in the room. Further inspection found that Pig had puked in the corner of the dining room and pissed more on the floor of the bathroom than what made its way in the toilet.

You will be happy to know that Pig has had to clean the entire house from top to bottom and is now serving time locked & chained in his pen.

Thank you and have a nice day


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