Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm Sorry

Hey Gang, Pig Here.

Well we made it home last night from our road trip. It sure was good to get home. Well it was good until I walked inside the house. Upon entry, we found that Stacey had cleaned the house from top to bottom. When that happens it means that I end up sleeping outside in the pen. Stacey has this thing about pigs making a mess in the house. Great, here we go again. After a night outside I was allowed back into the house (that is after Ray came home).

I sat down and wrote my next blog and realized that I owe everyone an apology. I had written the blog and was ready to publish it when Ray looked it over and said that I was wrong for saying what it said. I asked what was wrong with it and I was informed that I missed a lot during the trip. So everyone out there who reads these words “I, Pig, hereby apologize for any and all negative statements I have made during the trip”. See I wrote about how bad the trip was. What I failed to see during the trip was how much we were following the old “Route 66”. It appears that while I was too busy crying over the rain and boredom, I didn't see any of the old signs or the old buildings. But the reality of it is I didn't even know anything about Route 66 other than recognition of the highway emblem.

After Ray proof read my first blog, he suggested that I google Route 66 and see what I find. I did just that. WOW, you wouldn't believe some of the history behind the Route. I found out that it was created in 1926, linking Chicago, IL. to Santa Monica CA. Then decommissioned in 1965 with the creation of the interstate highway. The road was lined with the old mom and pop motels, eateries of different kinds and LOTS of neon. It was a time in America when men & women ventured out into the great unknown and what they found was the real America.

My brief bit of research found a vast mountain of information and history behind Route 66 that won't allow me to post it all here. I wish I had known about the route before we left on our trip, I would have paid more attention to it and maybe we could have taken a few sections of the old road. Ray has a Route 66 patch on his vest and I never knew what it meant. As I continued to dig deeper and deeper into Route 66, I began to have a burning sensation down in my gut. (No, its not VD) I now have the desire to find the old route and relive some of Americas past. I realize now that I have a new mission in life. Call it a mission from God. The mission I have chosen is to plan a new road trip (on the bike) retracing the old road. It will take some time to do this as I need more research in the planning the route.

If anyone out there is interested in knowing some of the info I find, shoot me a comment or e-mail and I will blog it when I get a chance. If anyone is interested in going on this road trip then gear up and lets go. Hmmmm, maybe our road trip to Wisconsin wasn't a total waste after all

Call me, we'll do lunch


"If you ever plan to motor west,
Travel my way,
Take the highway that's the best,
Get your kicks on Route 66"

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