Sunday, May 16, 2010

Road trip day 3

Well Gang,
it is now day three of the road trip and things are not getting any better. Ray got in late last night and I had to sit outside in the rain. At least he brought me something to eat. It was potato skins, I love potato skins with melted cheese on top and sour cream. That made me feel better, that is until I open them up. They came with BACON BITS on top, what is up with that sh$%. Now I feel real good.

We hit the road about 6:30 am. I was stuck in the back seat with the luggage, it was raining and cold. Great way to start the day. To add to my misery, the guys skipped breakfast to get on the road. The weather was really depressing and the ride was even more boring. The state of Illinois is nothing more than flat farm land and the only thing you see is the curvature of the earth. There were speed traps everywhere with state cops and those new photo enforcement cameras. The icing on the cake was the speed limit was only 65mph. Land of Lincoln was more like the land of the living dead. I think I will kill myself before this trip is over.

It wasn't until we came into a town call Normal, IL. What is normal anyway. What a name for a town. Once we got past (being) normal Ray was able to turn off the windshield wipers. A short while later the sun came out and the sun glasses came on. The sunshine was beginning to make things feel better. We were coming up on Peoria IL and pulled into a rest area. When we got out of the truck this guys walks up and offers to clean our windshield. It turned out to be a motorcycle group working the rest areas with IDOT promoting motorcycle awareness to other drivers for the month of May. We all struck up a conversation with them and had a great time talking with them. I got my picture taken with them and we invited them to come to Texas. This day may start to look better yet.

We finally made it to the state of Wisconsin about noon time. We pulled off in a town called Bleot and into a buffet style restaurant. Bring it on, I'm hungry. Ray pulled the truck into a parking space and what I saw there I still cannot believe it. There was a young walking walking right towards us. She was holding a infant in her arms and after we all did a double look. We realized she had shirt up and was breast feeding the kid while she walked across the parking lot. This is so great!!! I jumped out of the truck, walked up to her and asked her if I could have a toke off of her other tit.

I woke up laying on the parking lot about 5-10 minutes later. I looked around and didn't see anyone around. I got up and walked into the restaurant and sat down with the guys. The waitress brought me a bag of ice for my jaw without me even asking. She said she felt sorry for me getting slugged like that in front of the whole restaurant and figured I needed it. She had never seen someone go down with one punch from a woman breastfeeding a baby before. Thanks Flo, I love your biscuits too.

Back on the road, we approached Milwaukee my jaw still hurt and I had a pounding headache. Ray took an exit just past the downtown area and turned left. I jumped up between the front seats, commented that I didn't see a gas station at this exit and asked why did we pull off. Ray just turned to me and smiled. Yep, in all of my pain and misery of getting my face rearranged I forgot why I was here. The boys felt bad for me and decided we should stop at the Harley Davidson factory for me to get my picture.

We found the factory without too much trouble. It only took 10 miles through the (brothers) side of town. A lot of stares were shot our way, it must have been the Texas plates on the truck. Well we did find it and got our pictures taken in front of it. I was happy, even if it was Sunday and the place was closed. I can now say I have seen the birth place of the Harley Davidson factory. We jumped back into the truck and made another trip back through brotherville back to the highway. Another hour in the truck and we were in Manitowoc WI.

Life is good. Enjoy the moment and savor the flavor.


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